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SCALANCE XF-200 switches
Jump toOverview Benefits Application Design Function Technical specifications More information Overview河南西门子PLC总代理The managed Industrial Ethernet switches of the SCALANCE XF-200line are optimized for setting up Industrial Ethernet networks atdata transmission rates of 10/100 Mbps in a line, star or ringtopology.
河南西门子PLC总代理 ApplicationSCALANCE XF-200 Industrial Ethernet switches enable cost-effectiveconfiguration of Industrial Ethernet line, star or ring topologieswith switching functionality for networks in which highavailability or remote diagnostic capabilities are required.Devices with IP20 degree of protection are designed for use in thecontrol cabinet. Features:
Design河南西门子PLC总代理The SCALANCE XF-200 managed Industrial Ethernet switches aredesigned for installation on a standard DIN rail. With theirenclosure in SIMATIC ET 200S format (slim design), the devices areoptimally suited for integration in automation solutions in smallcontrol boxes together with the SIMATIC ET 200S. The switches with IP20 degree of protection feature:
The SCALANCE XF-200 switches are available with the following porttypes:
Networktopology and network configuration The SCALANCE XF-200 Industrial Ethernet switches with IP20 degreeof protection are usually installed in a control cabinet togetherwith the stations to be connected. Electrical and optical versionscan be installed together in star, line and ring topologies. When configuring the netwo河南西门子PLC总代理rk, the following boundaryconditions must be observed:
Commissioning anddiagnostics PROFINET diagnostic interrupts from SCALANCE XF-200 switches can bedisplayed with the appropriate SIMATIC engineering tools andprocessed in the PLC with an expanded diagnostics function. Theengineering outlay for the PLC and HMI has been drastically reduceddue to the complete integration in the SIMATIC concept for systemerror messages.河南西门子PLC总代理 SCALANCE XF-200 Industrial Ethernet switches can also be integratedin a network management system (e.g. SINEC NMS) using thestandardized Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). In theevent of faults in the device, error messages (SNMP traps) canbe sent to a network management system (e.g. SINEC NMS) or as anemail to a specified network administrator. The integrated web server enables configuration and diagnosticssettings to be made using a standard web browser (e.g. portconfiguration). Statistical information can also be read out overthe web server (e.g. port capacity utilization). The following information is displayed on site by LEDs:
The Industrial Ethernet switches of the SCALANCE XF-200 line canalso be monitored using the floating signaling contact. 河南西门子PLC总代理 Technical specificationsArticlenumber6GK5204-0BA00-2AF26GK5204-2BC00-2AF26GK5206-1BC00-2AF26GK5208-0BA00-2AF2producttypedesignationSCALANCE XF204SCALANCE XF204-2SCALANCE XF206-1SCALANCE XF208transferrate transferrate10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/s10 Mbit/s, 100 Mbit/sinterfacesfor communication integrated number ofelectrical connections ● for networkcomponents or terminal equipment4468number of 10/100 Mbit/s RJ45ports integrated● with securing collar4number of 100 Mbit/sST(BFOC) ports ● formultimode21interfaces other number ofelectrical connections ● for signalingcontact1111● for power supply1111type of electricalconnection ● for signalingcontact2-pole terminal block2-pole terminal block2-pole terminalblock2-pole terminal block● for power supply4-pole terminalblock4-pole terminal block4-pole terminal block4-pole terminalblockdesign of the removablestorage ● C-PLUGYesYesYesYessignalinputs/outputs operating voltage of thesignaling contacts ● at DC ratedvalue24 V24 V24 V24 Voperational current of thesignaling contacts ● at DCmaximum0.1 A0.1 A0.1 A0.1 Asupply voltage,current consumption, power loss productcomponent connection for redundant voltage supplyYesYesYestype ofvoltage 1 of the supply voltageDCDCDCDC● supply voltage 1rated value24 V24 V24 V24 V● power loss[W] 1 ratedvalue2.64 W5.28 W4.08 W3.12 W● supplyvoltage 1 ratedvalue18 ... 32 V18 ... 32 V18 ... 32 V18 ... 32 V● consumedcurrent 1maximum0.11 A0.22 A0.17 A0.13 A● type ofelectrical connection 1 for power supply4-pole terminal block4-poleterminal block4-pole terminal block4-pole terminalblock● product component 1 fusing at power supplyinputYesYesYesYes● fuse protection type 1 at input for supplyvoltage1.1 A / 33 V1.1 A / 33 V1.1 A / 33 V1.1 A / 33 Vambientconditions ambienttemperature ● duringoperation-40 ... +60 °C-40 ... +60 °C-40 ... +60 °C-40 ... +60 °C● duringstorage-40 ... +70 °C-40 ... +70 °C-40 ... +70 °C-40 ... +70 °C● duringtransport-40 ... +70 °C-40 ... +70 °C-40 ... +70 °C-40 ... +70 °C● noteIfthe IE-Switch XF-200 is installed horizontally, a maximum ambienttemperature of +40 °C is permittedIf the IE-Switch XF-200 isinstalled horizontally, a maximum ambient temperature of +40 °C ispermittedIf the IE-Switch XF-200 is installed horizontally, amaximum ambient temperature of +40 °C is permittedIf the IE-SwitchXF-200 is installed horizontally, a maximum ambient temperature of+40 °C is permittedrelativehumidity ● at 25 °C withoutcondensation during operationmaximum95 %95 %95 %95 %protection classIPIP20IP20IP20IP20design, dimensions andweights designFlatFlatFlatFlatwidth75 mm75 mm75 mm75 mmheight125 mm125 mm125 mm125 mmdepth73 mm73 mm73 mm73 mmnetweight0.25 kg0.25 kg0.25 kg0.25 kgfasteningmethod● 35 mm top hat DIN rail mountingYesYesYesYes● wallmountingNoNoNoNo● S7-300 rail mountingNoNoNoNo● S7-1500rail mountingNoNoNoNoproduct features, product functions, productcomponents general cascading in the case ofa redundant ring at reconfiguration time of<\~0.3\~s50100100100cascading in cases of star topologyany(depending only on signal propagation time)any (depending only onsignal propagation time)any (depending only on signal propagationtime)any (depending only on signal propagation time)productfunctions management, configuration,engineering productfunction ● CLIYesYesYesYes● web-basedmanagementYesYesYesYes● MIB supportYesYesYesYes● TRAPsvia emailYesYesYesYes● configuration with STEP7YesYesYesYes● port mirroringYesYesYesYes● multiportmirroringNoNoNoNo● with IRT PROFINET IOswitchNoNoNoNo● PROFINET IO diagnosisYesYesYesYesPROFINETconformity classBBBBproduct functionswitch-managedYesYesYesYesprotocol issupported ● TelnetYesYesYesYes● HTTPYesYesYesYes● HTTPSYesYesYesYes● TFTPYesYesYesYes● FTPYesYesYesYes● BOOTPNoNoNoNo● DCPYesYesYesYes● LLDPYesYesYesYes● SNMPv1YesYesYesYes● SNMP v2YesYesYesYes● SNMPv3YesYesYesYesidentification & maintenancefunction 河南西门子PLC总代理 ● I&M0 -device-specific informationYesYesYesYes● I&M1 – higherlevel designation/location designationYesYesYesYesproduct functionsdiagnostics productfunction ● portdiagnosticsYesYesYesYes● statistics PacketSizeYesYesYesYes● statistics packettypeYesYesYesYes● error statisticsYesYesYesYesproductfunctions DHCP productfunction ● DHCPclientYesYesYesYesproduct functionsredundancy productfunction ● ringredundancyYesYesYesYes● High Speed Redundancy Protocol(HRP)YesYesYesYes● high speed redundancy protocol (HRP) withredundancy managerYesYesYesYes● high speed redundancy protocol(HRP) with standby redundancyNoNoNoNoprotocol is supported MediaRedundancy Protocol (MRP)YesYesYesYesproductfunction ● media redundancy protocol(MRP) with redundancy managerYesYesYesYes● Parallel RedundancyProtocol (PRP)/operation in thePRP-networkYesYesYesYes● Parallel Redundancy Protocol(PRP)/Redundant Network Access (RNA)NoNoNoNo● passivelisteningYesYesYesYesproduct functionssecurity protocol issupported ● SSHYesYesYesYesproductfunctions time productfunction ● SICLOCKsupportYesYesYesYesprotocol issupported ● NTPNoNoNoNo● SNTPYesYesYesYesstandards,specifications,approvals standard ● forFMFM3611: Class 1, Divison 2, Group A, B, C, D / T4, CL.1, Zone 2,GP. IIC, T4FM3611: Class 1, Divison 2, Group A, B, C, D / T4, CL.1,Zone 2, GP. IIC, T4FM3611: Class 1, Divison 2, Group A, B, C, D /T4, CL.1, Zone 2, GP. IIC, T4FM3611: Class 1, Divison 2, Group A,B, C, D / T4, CL.1, Zone 2, GP. IIC, T4● for safety from CSAand ULUL 60950-1, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1UL 60950-1, CSA C22.2 No.60950-1UL 60950-1, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1UL 60950-1, CSA C22.2 No.60950-1● for emitted interferenceEN 61000-6-4:2001 (Class A)EN河南西门子PLC总代理61000-6-4:2001 (Class A)EN 61000-6-4:2001 (Class A)EN61000-6-4:2001 (Class A)● for interference immunityEN61000-6-4:2001EN 61000-6-2:2001EN 61000-6-2:2001EN61000-6-2:2001MTBF48.03 y43.58 y43.52 y54.8 yreferencecode ● according to IEC81346-2KFKFKFKF● according to IEC81346-2:2019KFEKFEKFEKFEstandards, specifications, approvalsCE certificate of suitability CEmarkingYesYesYesYesstandards, specifications, approvals hazardousenvironments standard for hazardous zoneEN60079-0: 2006, EN60079-15: 2005, II 3 G Ex nA II T4, KEMA 07 ATEX0145 XEN 60079-0: 2006, EN60079-15: 2005, II 3 (2) G Ex nA [op is]IIC T4, KEMA 07 ATEX 0145 XEN 60079-0: 2006, EN60079-15: 2005, II 3(2) G Ex nA [op is] IIC T4, KEMA 07 ATEX 0145 XEN 60079-0: 2006,EN60079-15: 2005, II 3 G Ex nA II T4, KEMA 07 ATEX 0145X● from CSA and ULANSI / ISA 12.12.01, CSA C22.2 No.213-M1987, CL. 1 / Div. 2 / GP. A, B, C, D T4, CL. 1 / Zone 2 / GP.IIC, T4ANSI / ISA 12.12.01, CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987, CL. 1 / Div. 2/ GP. A, B, C, D T4, CL. 1 / Zone 2 / GP. IIC, T4ANSI / ISA12.12.01, CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987, CL. 1 / Div. 2 / GP. A, B, C, DT4, CL. 1 / Zone 2 / GP. IIC, T4ANSI / ISA 12.12.01, CSA C22.2 No.213-M1987, CL. 1 / Div. 2 / GP. A, B, C, D T4, CL. 1 / Zone 2 / GP.IIC, T4certificate of suitability ● CCCfor hazardous zone according to GB standardYesYesYesYes● forcULus HazLoc as File Nr.E240480 (NWHP, NWHP7)E240480 (NWHP,NWHP7)E240480 (NWHP,河南西门子PLC总代理 NWHP7)E240480 (NWHP,NWHP7)standards, specifications, approvalsother certificate of suitabilityEN61000-6-4:2001EN 61000-6-2:2001, EN 61000-6-4:2001EN61000-6-2:2001, EN 61000-6-4:2001EN 61000-6-2:2001, EN61000-6-4:2001● C-TickYesYesYesYes● KCapprovalYesYesYesYes● railway application in accordance withEN 50155NoNoNoNo● railway application in accordance with EN50124-1NoNoNoNostandards, specifications, approvals marineclassification Marine classificationassociation ● American Bureau ofShipping Europe Ltd. (ABS)YesYesYesYes● French marineclassification society (BV)YesYesYesYes● Det Norske Veritas(DNV)NoNoNoNo● Germanische Lloyd (GL)NoNoNoNo● DNVGLYesYesYesYes● Lloyds Register of Shipping(LRS)YesYesYesYes● Nippon Kaiji Kyokai(NK)YesYesYesYes● Polski Rejestr Statkow(PRS)NoYesYesYes● Royal Institution of Naval Architects(RINA)YesYesYesYesaccessories productextension optional C-PLUGYes河南西门子PLC总代理 More informationYou can order supplementary components for the SIMATIC NET cablingrange from your local contact. Technical support on this subject isavailable from: J. Hertlein河南西门子PLC总代理DI PA DCP IWA SelectionTool: To support the selection of SCALANCE network components, the TIASelection Tool is available at: www.siemens.com/tst Orderingoverview: You can find more information on the FastConnect range inthe "Cablingtechnology for communication networks inindustry" ordering overview. | All about SCALANCE XF-200 switches Presales InfoCatalogand ordering system onlineTechnicalinfoSupportContact& partnersServiceoffers |
成立日期 | 1998年01月12日 | ||
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