概述Being and staying competitive in a fast-changingmarket environment is one of the top priorities for companies. Theongoing digitalization has a huge impact here and offers us newpossibilities. However: Where do I start my digital transformation journey?How can Iintegrate a preventive maintenance approach?Are there any newtechnologies, software updates etc. available which are crucial tomy operation?OurofferConsulting Services: Our service experts provideyou with long-term industry knowledge, future-minded thinking andcomprehensive consulting skills. We build your results togetherwith you! These can come in the form of a more efficient preventivemaintenance approach, a more innovative production process or anindividual digitalization strategy – all tailored to your needs andbusiness drivers.优势Expertise pairedwith future-minded thinking: You can benefit from thelong-term knowledge and expertise of our consultants during majorprojects or receive service recommendations resulting frominstalled base analyses.Maximizedtransparency: You receive a clear view on therecommended implementation steps including costs and a proposedtimeframe required to implement the solution.Stayingcompetitive: Our service experts use their expertiseand skills to help you adapt to a fast-changing marketenvironment.更多信息西门子中国授权一级代理商|PLC模块总代理商报价Here you can go tothe Industrial Edge Marketplace.For more information pleasevisit us via our website:www.siemens.com/consulting-services |
DigitalizationCheck for Drives enables customers to benefit from the added valueof a cloud-based solution for their manufacturingoperations
The Digitalization Check for Drives provides optimum support to thecustomer for digitalization their production process. The serviceincludes professional consulting with specific recommendations fornetworking the drives with the MindSphere, the cloud-based, openIoT operating system from Siemens.
The service is provided by the Siemens organization. Machine dataacquisition is standardized by a trained Siemens technician andentered without any downtimes. An expert in a central location thenevaluates connectivity and recommends individual measures. Thanksto the detailed analysis within the scope of the digitalizationcheck, project obstacles are consistently reduced and transparencyregarding the digitization capability of the drives is created.This supports decision-makers with setting the course for a digitalfuture.
Creation of transparency about the digitalization potential ofthe machine tools
Reliable, standardized data entry and evaluation without anydowntimes
Provision of a decision-making basis for further digitalizationsteps
Digitalization Check for Drives is used where the digitization ofproduction is heavily dependent on drives.
Interested in this service? Then contact:
Siemens AG
Ralf Straube
Tel.: +49 174 2459897
E-mail: ralf.straube@siemens.com
Digital Transformation Awareness andConsulting订货数据 产品信息跳转到概述优势应用更多信息概述DigitalTransformation Awareness and Consulting is a portfolio ofconsulting services intended to inspire customers and highlightfields of action for them. It also conveys the necessary knowledgeand awareness for digital transformation through training coursesfor management and staff. Customers are also offered a referencevisit to a Siemens plant, in order to experience Industry 4.0and the digital transformation first hand.Scope of performance:Thereference visit is to a Siemens plant and lasts for one dayTrainingfor management takes place at the customer premises and lasts onedayThe training for the employees also takes place at the customerpremises and also takes one dayThe workshop for drawing up adigitalization strategy normally takes three days and is also heldat the customer premises. For small companies there is the optionof a shorter 1-day workshopIf this time should not be sufficient,there is an option to extend the workshop by an additionalday.The consultationconsists of:A pre-analysis of the company and agreement ofthe details for the actual workshopThe workshop itselfPre- andpost-processing timeIn the pre-analysis, essential key figures ofthe company as well as dates, participants and scope of theconsultation are determined. In the workshop a corporate profile isfirst created by evaluating the strategy, market environment, andchallenges for the company. Next, the digital fields of action anduse cases are developed by analyzing various processes along thevalue added chain. The digitalization strategy is derived on thebasis of this analysis and of the common prioritization of optionsfor action with the greatest potential for increasing productivityand efficiency through digitalization measures. |