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When used in a multi-color printing environment, a register controlensures consistent print quality – and is also used in post-printapplications for synchronizing cut, embossing, punching or coatingprocesses using registers. To achieve this, special print marks areprinted in addition to the actual printed image.

In conjunction with the register control integrated in SIMOTION,Siemens offers the SIMOTION TRC3000 wedge mark sensor for thispurpose. It is the standard solution for the print domain, and isespecially suitable for applications with very high requirements,including, for example, the reliable detection of low-contrastmarks or of print marks on reflectivematerials.西门子PLC模块河南授权总代理商

As it is directly integrated into the motion control system of theprinting machine, a register control is achieved that has a highlevel of performance and degree of reliability. It isfavorably-priced and especially compact. Additional open-loopcontrols, operator panels or control cabinets are not required.Furthermore, it is not necessary to mount an additional encoder atthe machine or printing cylinder.

The register control is made available through the SIMOTION PrintStandard Add On TRC3000 application. Workshops are available forexperienced SIMOTION users.

SIMOTION TRC3000 integrated register control西门子PLC模块河南授权总代理商

The modular SIMOTION TRC3000 wedge mark sensor comprises the RSH-PNevaluation unit with intelligent measured value processing(3-channel as RGB value) and specific accessories. It is directlyconnected to PROFINET IO with IRT via an integrated 2-port switchwhereby it is integrated in the line topology of the real-timePROFINET network of the machine. In addition to the single-headversion (1 fiber-optic cable), a 2-head version (2 fiber-opticcables) is also available. The 2-head version is used to addressadditional measurement tasks, such as reverse side measurement orparallel mark array arrangements. The fiber-optic cable is equippedwith an optical system and is available in two lengths. For specialmeasurement tasks, the optical power and measured value processingcan be adjusted using a calibration box.


Interfaces of the RSH-PN sensor module

Display anddiagnostics

  • 8 LEDs to display device operating states and errors – and forbasic communication diagnostics.


  • 2 xM12 [Ethernet 0 / Ethernet 1], 4-pole, D-coded,PROFINET IO with IRT. Integrated 2-port switch for configuring aPROFINET line-type topology, e.g. with additional sensors and theSIMOTION control. In addition to real-time data, acyclic data suchas sensor parameterization, and TCP/IP data, such as the signaltrace, are also transferred via this interface. Matching M12PROFINET prefabricated cables are available, or users can assemblethem themselves (see PROFINET).

I/O devices

  • 2 xfiber-optic cable connection, 3-pole, optical.

  • Plug-in screw connection for the fiber-optic cable, which isavailable in 2 lengths.

Power supply

  • 1 x M12 plug connector for the 24 V DC electronics powersupply

  • 1 x M12 socket connector to loop through the electronics powersupply

Option module

SIMOTION TRC3000 is 西门子PLC模块河南授权总代理商available in two versions:

  • With one fiber-optic cable connection for single-sidedmeasurement of wedge/block register marks on material webs

  • With two fiber-optic cable connections, for single-sided,two-sided and two-web measurement of wedge/block register marks andfor horizontal mark arrangement on material webs.
    The TRC3000 version with 2 fiber-optic cable connections can onlybe operated in mode 3 (where a maximum of 3 marks is measured).When using this version and carrying out a measurement with bothfiber-optic cables, 1 gate is set, and both marks are expectedwithin this gate.



Mounting西门子PLC模块河南授权总代理商The housing and connections of the SIMOTIONTRC3000 require an area of 240 mm x 135 mm. 2 x M6threaded holes are required for mounting (distance between holes201.5 mm). To attach the fiber-optic cable optics, dependingon the measurement task, a 6 or 3-hole holder can be used. Thedrawings can be used as a basis for designing this holder.

SIMOTION TRC3000, interface overview


SIMOTION TRC7000 register marks sensor RSH-PN-CS

SIMOTION TRC7000 measuring camera RSC-DI

Register control systems for printing machines are integrated intothe SIMOTION Motion Control System using the TRC7000 registercontrol technology module. The TRC7000 solution comprises a colorcamera for detecting point-shaped register marks on a printed web,along with the associated evaluation unit. The measured values aretransferred from the evaluation unit to the register control systemintegrated in SIMOTION via PROFINET IRT. Die TRC7000 registercamera is offered with SIMOTION as an integrated registercontrol.



When used in a multi-color printing environment, a register controlensures consistent print quality. It is also used in post-pressapplications for synchronizing cut, embossing, punching or coatingprocesses. To achieve this, special print marks are printed inaddition to the actual printed image.

Direct integration into the printing machine's motion controlsystem facilitates a high-performance, reliable register controlwhich is also has an especially small footprint. Open-loopcontrols, operator panels or even control cabinets are notrequired. Furthermore, it is not necessary to mount an additionalencoder at the machine or printing cylinder.

The register co西门子PLC模块河南授权总代理商ntrol is made available through theSIMOTION Print Standard Add-On TRC7000 application. Workshops areavailable for experienced SIMOTION users.

The SIMOTION TRC7000 register control uses an intelligent colorcamera to detect point marks. In contrast to sensor-based systems,all register marks are detected simultaneously in one picture andmeasured with the highest precision. The camera communicates withSIMOTION via an evaluation unit equipped with a PROFINET IRTinterface. For additional tasks, such as reverse side measurements,a second camera with an evaluation unit is required. For increasedrequirements such as the detection of marks on reflectivematerials, an optional camera equipped with a lacquer strobe isavailable.

SIMOTION TRC7000 integrated register control


Interfaces of the RSH-PN evaluation unit

Display anddiagnostics西门子PLC模块河南授权总代理商

  • 8 LEDs for displaying device operating states and errors – andfor basic communication diagnostics.


  • 2 x M12 [Ethernet 0 / Ethernet 1], 4-pole, D-coded, PROFINET IOwith IRT. Integrated 2-port switch to configure a PROFINETline-type topology, e.g. with additional sensors and the SIMOTIONcontrol. In addition to real-time data, acyclic data such as sensorparameterization and TCP/IP live camera image data are alsotransferred via this interface. Matching M12 PROFINET pre-assembledcables are available, or users can assemble them themselves (seePROFINET).

    • 1 x M12 camera connection, 8-pole.

    • Plug-in screw connection for the measuring camera

      • 1 x M12 plug connector for the 24 V DC electronicspower supply

      Camera options

      • Standard design西门子PLC模块河南授权总代理商

      • VF camera design with lacquer strobe for improved detection oflacquer and bead markings

      Option module

      The following options are available for SIMOTION TRC7000:

      • Holder (CAM-LOCK-UNIT) for attaching the measuring camera to acrossbar

      • Calibration device for setting the measuring camera.



      The housing and connections of the SIMOTION TRC7000 require an areaof 240 mm x 135 mm. 2 x M6 threaded holes are requiredfor mounting (distance between holes 201.5 mm). An optionalmounting unit is available for attaching the measuring camera to acamera crossbar.

      SIMOTION TRC7000: Interface overview



      Power supply voltage (rated value)

      24 V DC (19.2 ... 27.6 V DC)

      Power consumption (rated value)

      0.36 A

      Temperature range

      0 ... 50 °C


      10 ... 90 %, non-condensing

      RSH-PN weight

      0.75 kg

      Fiber-optic cable

      3.2 m; 5 m

      Degree of protection

      IP54 (II 2 G [Ex op is T4] IIB)

      Dimensions of the RSH-PN (W x H x D) [mm]

      223.5 x 118.5 x 84
      Approximately 135 mm are required at the front to insert theconnector (fiber-optic cable, PN)


      PROFINET IO with IRT

      Number of PN interfaces



      100 Mbit; M12; D-coded


      Type 100 (16/48 bytes), type 101 (16/216 bytes)

      Measured valueevaluation

      Evaluation type

      Image processing

      Number of print marks detectable



      Longitudinal and side register measurement for color or cutregisters

      Print mark types

      Point mark diameter from 1 to 4 mm

      AGS mark

      3 point marks

      Measuring method

      Web-cylinder, web-web, automatic mark search, main color orfollowing color measuring parameterizable

      Arrangement of print marks

      Longitudinal or transverse to the material web

      Max. web velocity

      1000 m/min

      Measurement resolution


      Technicalspecifications of camera


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